Sunday, October 1, 2006

Part III - Random Bali photos

First some photos from my losmen and around the Bingin area:

I love this picture. This is the view looking north from my balcony. The far point is Balangan Point. The two-way peak with the left pealing toward Balangan is called Dreamland. I have awesome memories of sitting on my balcony, taking in this view with a Bintang, and watching the birds chill out in the trees as surfers jockeyed for position at the ultra-competitive Bingin. Quite a show!

Here's a couple photos taken on the trail down the cliff to the beach:

This is the very top of the trail as it approaches my losmen. My room is just out of frame on the upper right hand corner.

This photo of a surfer at small, ultra low tide Bingin was taken about halfway down the trail. I love everything about this photo - how the glowing lip line intersects the palapa's roof line, the surfer's body positioning, the wind texture on the water, and the scary ornament in the corner.

One super low tide afternoon I decided to walk down the beach and around Balangan point. All of these next photos are from that walk:

Looking south from Bingin at a couple of surfers checking out the tail end section of Impossibles.

A man fishing off the side of the reef as a little nugget rolls through at a no-name spot.

Reefer madness!


From right to left in the far distance, Ulu watu, Padang padang, and Impossibles.

Balangan point at low tide, looking through the overhang in the cliff created by the pounding surf at higher tides.

And here's a couple photos taken from my losmen:
Surf check from my bed.

Da view

Different ocean, different hemisphere, but the same west coast sunset colors as home.

Right after sunset every night dozens of bats would come out to eat the flying insects. I named this one Flappy.

Next post: BALI SURF PICTURES!!! I know I know, FINALLY.

Go on to Part IV - Bali Surf Pictures

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